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Activities for Youth

Crop Career Corner   

      There are many opportunities to work within not only the agricultural industry, but the crops area. In fact, some college graduates have been able to receive several job offers because of their choice with an agronomy degree.    

Crop-Related Career Opportunities

     A wide variety of career paths is available in this rapidly-changing field. The breadth of your education will prepare you to pursue careers which are just now evolving or will evolve in the future.   With a degree in agronomy, careers are possible as an:

  • Agricultural Communicator
  • Crop Consultant
  • Crop Insurance Adjuster
  • Educator
  • Elevator or Co-op Manager
  • Farmer or Rancher
  • Farm Credit Banker
  • Farmer Manager
  • Field or Lab Researcher
  • Plant Breeder
  • Seed, Fertilizer, or Chemical Sales or Technical Representative
  • Soil or Water Conservationist 

Test your knowledge with these interactive activities...

Plant Nutrition game

Entomology game

From Farm to Food games

Soil activities

Careers in Agriculture

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