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    Auxina e Herbicida Auxinico Mecanismos de Ação
    Portuguese Auxin and Auxinic Herbicide Mechanisms of Action Animation
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    Plant Breeding Activity
    This interactive activity goes through the basic process used in a traditional breeding program. Crossing, genetic variation, selection and elements of DNA technology are discussed within this activity. The material is aimed towards high school or introductory life science undergraduate students.
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    Marker Assisted Selection
    Animation showing how plant breeding has changed over time, including the use of molecular markers.
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    Backcross Breeding
    How the conventional breeding method of backcross breeding is done. This is the seventh of a series of seven animations that detail the process of crop genetic engineering.
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    Cereal Quality

    An animation about cereal grain and how how to measure cereal grain quality.

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    Development of QTL Mapping Populations
    The objective of this animation is to develop a QTL mapping population for locating and characterizing the genes responsible for resistance to tan spot disease of wheat.
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    DNA Extraction for Plants
    This animation shows details on DNA extraction methods for plant material.
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    Gel Electrophoresis
    This animation explains how gel electrophoresis works. The affect of fragment size on movement through the gel is demonstrated.
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    Gel Scoring
    This interactive animation provides an opportunity to practice scoring an electrophoresis gel.
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    Genetic Mapping
    An overview of how genes affect an organism's traits, and how those
    genes are passed from one generation to the next. Also explains how
    scientists map locations of genes on chromosomes.
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    Tyson's pdf File
    pdf File with Slides from Tyson's talk on June 3 about CSR using Jaz
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    Overview of Crop Genetic Engineering
    A general look at the process of crop genetic engineering. This is the first of a series of seven animations that detail the process of crop genetic engineering.
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    Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
    This animation depicts the process of PCR. Each component involved in the process is outlined and described in this animation.
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    The Taqman probe detection system used in real time PCR (also known as quantitative PCR) is illustrated in this animation. One application of this method is use in GMO detection.
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    Clonación de los Genes
    Una descripción básica de las fases en la clonación de genes. Esta es la tercera de una serie de siete animaciones que detallan el proceso de ingeniería genética de cultivos.
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    Who Wants to be a Genetic Engineer?
    This interactive animation invites the viewer to decide and place in order, the steps they would need to take to develop two genetically engineered plants.

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