Metabolism of Herbicides or Xenobiotics in Plants


This lesson will take an indepth view of how plants handle foreign chemicals (xenobiotics) such as herbicides. It will discuss the three main phases that plants use to handle toxic chemicals, which enzymes are involved in these biochemical conversions, how these processes help protect crops again phytotoxic chemicals and consider the importance of these processes to successful weed management.


Metabolism of Herbicides or Xenobiotics in Plants - Overview and Objectives

Tracy M. Sterling
Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science at New Mexico State University, USA
Deana M. Namuth
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Scott J. Nissen
Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management at Colorado State University, USA

Lesson Navigation Tips:
- Click on ’Animations’ button found to the left in order to view the animation which supplements this lesson. You can also click on the animation icon within the text.
- Click once on figures to see enlarged versions.
- Click once on words in color to bring up their definitions.


Herbicide detoxication via metabolism is the primary mechanism of selectivity for most herbicides. Selective weed control using herbicides often relies on the ability of tolerant crop plants to detoxify the herbicide more rapidly than weeds. The same processes used by plants to detoxify herbicides are used for other xenobiotics (foreign chemicals); therefore, these terms will be used interchangeably. In this lesson, we will explore in detail three major phases of herbicide metabolism in plants, the enzymes involved in those processes and the final fate of herbicide metabolites. In addition, how crop injury or weed sensitivity might be altered by synergists, antagonists or other factors that affect metabolism will be described. Involvement of herbicide metabolism in resistance will also be discussed.


At the completion of this lesson, learners will be able to:
  1. Understand the importance of herbicide metabolism for crop tolerance (selectivity).

  2. Identify the three major phases of xenobiotic metabolism in plants.

  3. Explain the major enzyme systems involved during metabolism of xenobiotics in plants.

  4. Provide examples of each major phase and understand how metabolism may also lead to herbicide bio-activation.

Development of this lesson was supported in part by the Cooperative State Research, Education, & Extension Service, U.S. Dept of Agriculture under Agreement Number 00-34416-10368 administered by Cornell University and the
American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC).
Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A contribution of the University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Lincoln NE 68583, Journal Series No. 1019.

Metabolism of Herbicides or Xenobiotics in Plants - Introduction

All biological organisms have defense mechanisms to protect them from the negative effects of small quantities of foreign compounds (xenobiotics). These foreign compounds in plants include pesticides. Herbicides are a type of pesticide toxic to plants specifically, because they inhibit metabolic pathways unique to plants (e.g. photosynthesis). Herbicides are used successfully in weed management systems because they selectively harm sensitive weeds while leaving crops undamaged. Many factors contribute to successful herbicide action (e.g. successful placement or absorption and movement to target sites); however, the major reason herbicides are selective against weeds in crops is because crop plants are able to metabolize the herbicide to a non-toxic form. The basis for herbicide selectivity relies on enzymatic systems used in the plant’s normal metabolic processes.

The relative rates of herbicide absorption, translocation, and metabolism usually determine whether or not a herbicide will elicit a phytotoxic response. To better understand how these processes may each influence herbicidal action, they should be considered separately. Absorption has primary control over translocation, metabolism and phytotoxic action because the total amount of herbicide available for these processes is determined by the amount of herbicide absorbed by the plant. Metabolism influences both herbicide absorption and phytotoxic action. Metabolism generally converts the herbicide to a form with reduced phytotoxicity, thus, increasing the concentration gradient of the parent herbicide, so more is absorbed. Herbicide metabolism also influences phytotoxic action by either rendering the herbicide less or more active.


Plants use a three-phase process to convert xenobiotics, such as herbicides or insecticides, into intermediates with reduced phytotoxicity. The ultimate result of these metabolic conversions is often movement of the altered xenobiotic into the vacuole of the plant cell or incorporation into cells walls.

These three phases are:

Click here to view the metabolism animation and see how a generic herbicide is altered through these three phases of metabolism.
How does herbicide metabolism protect crops but not weeds from injury or death?

Rarely can plants mineralize a xenobiotic or completely oxidize it to CO2 like microorganisms can. On the other hand, animals and insects use only the first two phases, but and metabolism is usually faster and localized in an organ such as the liver or fat body; the metabolite is then eliminated from the body by excretion. Plants must alter these chemicals for long-term storage as non-toxic compounds because they are unable to excrete waste products.

Table 1 has detailed examples of metabolic conversions for each of the Phases. Click on the highlighted words to see specific examples of these metabolic processes. Written descriptions of processes are provided below.

TABLE 1 (modified from Shimabukuro, 1985)
Herbicide CharacteristicsInitial Herbicide PropertiesPhase I MetabolismPhase II MetabolismPhase III Metabolism
Parent Compound
  1. Hydrolysis
  2. Oxidation
  3. Reduction
  1. Secondary Conjugation

  2. Incorporation into Cell Walls
  3. Vacuolar Sequestration
Solubility Lipophilic (fat soluble) Some solubility in both lipid and lipid and aqueous conditions Hydrophilic (water soluble) Hydrophilic Insoluble Hydrophilic
Translocation Selective mobility Reduced mobility Limited or immobile Immobile
Herbicide activity Toxic to the plant Less toxic Minimal or nontoxic Nontoxic

Metabolism of Herbicides or Xenobiotics in Plants - Phase I - Introduction


Phase I reactions can reduce or modify the phytotoxicity of herbicides, predispose the molecules to Phase II reactions and increase polarity. Therefore, Phase I reactions are considered the primary factor in selectivity. These reactions may also bioactivate the herbicide. Phase I reactions are not synthetic reactions in that the herbicide does not increase in size, but rather this phase is needed to introduce a reactive substituent group not already present. Some functional or reactive groups and their names follow (the hyphen indicates where the group attaches to the remainder of the molecule):

The major reactions involved in Phase I conversions are oxidation, reduction or hydrolysis which form free amino, hydroxyl, or carboxylic acid groups. Many of the products from these reactions are acted on immediately by Phase II reactions as well.

Summary Note:

A Phase I reaction is the first step needed to make a herbicide less toxic; this reaction modifies the molecule so it is more water soluble and ready for Phase II and Phase III reactions which further detoxify the chemical.

Metabolism of Herbicides or Xenobiotics in Plants - Phase I - Oxidation Reactions

Oxidation - (Figure 1) Oxidation reactions are some of the most common xenobiotic transformations occurring in plants.
Fig. 1: Oxidation
These Phase I reactions result in either detoxication or activation of the herbicide. Many of these oxidative reactions are presumed to be catalyzed by cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases. Monoxygenases catalyze reactions in which one of the two atoms of molecular oxygen is incorporated into the substrate (e.g. herbicide or xenobiotic) and the atom is reduced to water by an electron donor, such as NADPH (equation 1).

Equation 1:

X + RH2 + O2 → X-O + H2O + R

Where, X is the substrate (e.g. xenobiotic, herbicide), RH2 is the reduced cofactor such as NADPH, O2 is required as the second substrate, X-O is the oxygenated product and RH is the oxidized cofactor. Cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases are usually membrane bound and xenobiotic metabolism occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum.

Examples of oxidation reactions include N-dealkylation or N-demethylation (Figure 2), O-dealkylation (Figure 3), aromatic hydroxylation (Figure 4), thioether oxidation (Figure 5) and β-oxidation (Figure 6).

Fig. 2: N-dealkylation or N-demethylation Fig. 3: O-dealkylation Fig. 4: Aromatic hydroxylation

Fig. 5a: Thioether oxidation - initially produces a sulfoxide, a molecule with less phytotoxicity Fig. 5b: Thioether oxidation - the sulfoxide can be conjugated with glutathione or further oxidized (Figure 5c) Fig. 5c: Thioether oxidation - the sulfoxide is converted to a sulfate, a molecule with less phytotoxicity

Fig. 6: β-oxidation
Some insecticides (organophosphates) can act as suicide substrates, irreversibly binding to cytochrome P450s in the plant and rendering the crop more sensitive to some herbicides (e.g. sulfonylureas). On the other hand, safeners or antagonists are able to induce (increase) cytochrome P450 monooxygenases in protected grass crops and therefore, enhance metabolism of some herbicides in the aryloxyphenoxypropionate, sulfonylurea, imidazolinone and sulfonamide families.

Can inhibiting the enzymes that detoxify pesticides, alter the pesticide’s toxicity?

Metabolism of Herbicides or Xenobiotics in Plants - Phase I - Reduction Reactions

Reduction - (Figure 7)
Fig. 7: Reduction
Reduction reactions as a means for metabolizing xenobiotics are fairly rare in plants. Also, these reactions are much less common Phase I reactions than the oxidation reactions. The most common reduction reaction in plants is aryl nitroreduction (Figure 8) where a nitro group on a phenyl ring is reduced to an amino group. These reactions are catalyzed by aryl nitroreductases which require a reductant such as NADPH. Other reduction reactions include deamination (Figure 9) where an amino group is removed or photochemical reduction of paraquat (Figure 10). Photochemical reduction of paraquat is nonenzymatic and is actually a form of bioactivation; an electron from the electron transport system in the chloroplast during the light reactions of photosynthesis reduces paraquat, creating a free-radical. This form of paraquat is very destructive to membranes because it uses its extra electron to reduce O2, creating superoxide free radical, O2-.. The free radical then causes lipid peroxidation (Click here to view an animation showing lipid peroxidation). This process is autocatalytic because once the reduced paraquat is oxidized or gives up its extra electron, it is again free to be reduced. Please refer to the Herbicides that Act Through Photosynthesis Lesson to see this in greater detail.

Fig. 8: Aryl nitroreduction

Fig. 9: Deamination

Fig. 10: Photochemical reduction
Summary Note:

Reduction reactions add electrons and can either create a molecule with reduced toxicity or one with more activity.

Metabolism of Herbicides or Xenobiotics in Plants - Phase I - Hydrolysis Reactions

Hydrolysis (Figure 11) - Hydrolysis reactions are common Phase I reactions in plants and involve herbicides possessing ester, amide or nitrile groups:
Fig. 11: Hydrolysis

Fig. 16: Hydrolysis of cyano groups Fig. 17: Nitrilase

Hydrolysis reactions require water. Which functional groups on pesticides are sensitive to hydrolysis reactions in plants?

Metabolism of Herbicides or Xenobiotics in Plants - Phase II - Introduction


Phase II reactions are also known as conjugation reactions. Conjugation reactions are anabolic processes which, in general, form compounds of higher molecular weight with greatly reduced biological activity, increased water solubility and usually reduced mobility. Major herbicide conjugates in plants are: simple and complex glucosides, glutathione conjugates and amino acid conjugates. Phase I metabolites of xenobiotics or those molecules which contain phenolic, N-arylamine, or carboxylic groups are rapidly conjugated in plants. In mammals, however, sulfate, glucuronic acid, and glutathione conjugates usually predominate. Although conjugates are excreted from animal systems, they remain in plant systems as conjugates or the conjugates are incorporated into insoluble polymers during Phase III reactions. Any toxicity remaining after Phase I is usually reduced further by Phase II reactions.

Metabolism of Herbicides or Xenobiotics in Plants - Phase II - Glutathione Conjugation

Glutathione Conjugation (Figure 18) - Glutathione conjugation involves the attachment of the small tripeptide, glutathione (γ-glutamylcysteinyl-ß-glycine) (Figure 19) , to herbicides containing halogen, phenolate or alkyl sulfoxide groups (Figure 20). On a herbicide molecule,
Fig. 18: Glutathione conjugation
these groups can serve as leaving groups when reacted with the nucleophilic glutathione anion (GS-). In the reaction (equation 2), X is the herbicide and Z is the leaving group. These reactions are catalyzed by glutathione-S-transferases (GST). Conjugation proceeds as a nucleophilic displacement reaction with the glutathione anion (GS-) serving as the nucleophile. The sulfhydryl group (-SH) on the cysteine residue of the glutathione molecule is the reactive component required for this reaction. A simplified form of the reaction follows:

Fig. 19: Glutathione (γ-glutamylcysteinyl-ß-glycine) Fig. 20: Glutathione conjugation with herbicides (X) containing halogen, phenolate or alkyl sulfoxide groups (Z)
Pumps that recognize the glutathione conjugated with a xenobiotic (Figure 21) (GS-X) have been described in animal plasmamembranes and plant tonoplast membranes. These glutathione conjugates are thought to be transported into the plant vacuole (Figure 22). This sequestration is important to remove the glutathione conjugate from the cytoplasm for several reasons including the instability of glutathione conjugates. In some cases, vacuolar peptidases may cleave the glutamate and glycine of the original glutathione molecule, leaving the cysteinyl conjugate (cysteine-X) which may need further processing in Phase III reactions, such as incorporation into cell wall material.
Fig. 21: Glutathione conjugated with a xenobiotic
Fig. 22: Transported into the plant vacuole
Some safeners or antidotes protect corn, sorghum, and rice against soil-applied thiocarbamate and chloracetanilide herbicides by either increasing the levels of glutathione or by inducing activity of glutathione-dependent enzymes such as glutathione-S-transferase. This mechanism provides more crop protection while weeds remain susceptible.
Summary Note:

Crops can be protected from certain herbicides when safeners are applied to the crop because the safeners cause the crop to make more glutathione. Glutathione is attached to the herbicide in Phase II reactions to reduce herbicide toxicity.

Metabolism of Herbicides or Xenobiotics in Plants - Phase II - Sugar Conjugation

Sugar Conjugation (Figure 23) - The most commonly detected herbicide-sugar conjugates are glucosides and glucose esters.
Fig. 23: Sugar conjugation
Herbicides containing phenolic, N-arylamine, or carboxylic acid groups as well as those metabolized to phenols, anilines or acids during Phase I can be made into sugar conjugates. Uridine diphosphoglucose (UDPG) is the most common sugar donor. The glucose attaches to phenol (O-glucosylation) (Figure 24a) or N-arylamine (N-glucosylation) (Figure 25a) groups via a ß-glucoside linkage. Specific examples can be seen in Figure 24b and 25b.

Fig. 24a: O-glucosylation Fig. 24b: O-glucosylation

Fig. 25a: N-glucosylation Fig. 25b: N-glucosylation

Glucosyltransferases, which catalyze the conjugation reaction, are very specific for UDPG although these enzymes are thought to possess broad substrate specificity for xenobiotics. Broad substrate specificity may facilitate the glucosylation of herbicides in plants by these enzymes.

Glucose esters are formed in herbicides possessing acid groups (Figure 26a). Figure 26b shows a specific example where glucose is attached to 2,4-D at its carboxylic acid group. This conjugation product is not a stable detoxification; glucose esters can be converted readily back to active herbicides by cytoplasmic esterases (Figure 27).

Fig. 26a: Glucose esters

Fig. 26b: Esterification of
glucose to 2,4-D

Fig. 27: Glucose ester of 2,4-D de-esterified
Summary Note:

Glucose can be added to Phase I products to increase water solubility, reduce mobility, and reduce toxicity in a process termed ‘glucose conjugation’.

Metabolism of Herbicides or Xenobiotics in Plants - Phase II- Amino Acid Conjugation

Amino Acid Conjugation (Figure 28) - Conjugation with amino acids is particularly common with the phenoxyacetic acid herbicides like 2,4-D. A peptide bond is formed between the herbicide’s carboxylic acid residue and the amino acid’s amino group. Some of the first evidence of amino acid conjugation with a herbicide was 2,4-D conjugation to aspartic acid (Figure 29). Other amino acids identified include glutamate, valine, leucine, phenylalanine and tryptophan. The most common amino acids conjugating with xenobiotics in plants are aspartate or glutamate. These conjugates can still be biologically active, but are relatively immobile. There is evidence that amino acid conjugates are excreted to the cell wall.
Fig. 28: Amino acid conjugation Fig. 29: 2,4-D conjugation to aspartic acid

Metabolism of Herbicides or Xenobiotics in Plants - Phase III


Phase III reactions are unique to plants because plants do not excrete xenobiotics as animals do. Plants therefore, need to somehow remove the xenobiotic within their own system. Plants do this by either:
- conjugating Phase II products further
- moving metabolites to the vacuole for storage
- incorporating the metabolite into the cell wall region.

It is assumed that Phase III products are no longer toxic; however, this area of xenobiotic fate in plants is poorly understand, especially with reference to the identity of sequestered products and any subsequent fate in herbivores who consume the plants.

Fig. 32: A sugar conjugate of a pesticide (X) which has been bound to cell wall material

Fig. 33a: Lignin (left) and OH-PCP (right) in the cell wall regions

Fig. 33b: Insoluble residue of PCP
Fig. 34: Vacuolar sequestration Fig. 35: A glutathione conjugate (GS-X) being transported into the vacuole

Name three ways plants deal with pesticide metabolites in Phase III reactions, instead of excreting the pesticide metabolite like animals do.

Metabolism of Herbicides or Xenobiotics in Plants - Field Considerations

Field considerations of Herbicide Metabolism

Differential metabolism of herbicides between crops and weeds has long been the basis for successful weed management. Selectivity can be altered by a variety of factors that can increase or decrease herbicide activity, including interaction with soil-applied insecticides, use of safeners, or the development of resistance in weeds. Bioactivation is also an example of selectivity. This section provides some examples of how important herbicide metabolism is in crop protection.

Synergists -

Antagonists (also known as safeners, antidotes or crop protectants) - Safeners selectively protect crop plants from herbicide injury without protecting weeds. Many safeners are structurally similar to the herbicides that they antagonize. Bioactivation
Fig. 36: ß-oxidation Fig. 37: Photochemical reduction

Herbicide resistance
Other examples where herbicide metabolism may affect selectivity:
Figure 38: Corn response to soil applied Balance under warm soil (left) and cool soil (right).

Metabolism of Herbicides or Xenobiotics in Plants - Summary

Herbicide metabolism is the primary mechanism of selectivity where the desirable plant is not injured because it has rendered the herbicide less toxic and the undesirable weed dies because the herbicide stays in its active form. Herbicide or xenobiotic metabolism proceeds in plants through a three phase process. The first phase introduces reactive groups which then can be acted on by Phase II reactions. Phase II reactions usually increase the size and polarity of the molecule by adding either glucose or glutathione. Under Phase III reactions which are unique to plants because they cannot excrete metabolites, the plant either stores the xenobiotic metabolite in the vacuole or incorporates it into cell wall materials. Metabolism-based selectivity is also important in herbicide resistance and can be altered through the addition of synergists or antagonists.


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