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    Absorcion Foliar
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    Absorcion Radical
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    Accion Enzimatica
    Esta animación es sobre la actividad de la EPSP sintasa.
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    Animation of water limiting and aeration limiting factors.
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    Allergic response
    This animation shows the process the human body goes through when exposed to allergens.
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    Antisense RNA Technology
    This animation shows Antisense Technology and its use in tomatoes.
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    Asteraceae Flowers
    This animation describes and illustrates the different types of flowers found in the family Asteraceae.
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    Auxin and Auxinic Herbicide Mechanisms of Action
    This animation illustrates how auxins and auxinic herbicides may elicit responses in plant cells. It describes basipetal transport of auxins via influx and efflux carriers and displays a scenario of auxin action where auxin receptors recognize auxins and auxinic herbicides, which then induce a signal transduction cascade to turn on various gene products. The role of these gene products in plant response is shown as well.
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    Backcross Breeding
    How the conventional breeding method of backcross breeding is done. This is the seventh of a series of seven animations that detail the process of crop genetic engineering.
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    Bacteria Transformation
    Illustrates the beginning stages of gene cloning. This animation shows how plasmids become recombinant and are inserted into bacteria cells. This is the second of four animations detailing the gene cloning process.
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    Cereal Quality

    An animation about cereal grain and how how to measure cereal grain quality.

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    Clonación de los Genes
    Una descripción básica de las fases en la clonación de genes. Esta es la tercera de una serie de siete animaciones que detallan el proceso de ingeniería genética de cultivos.
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    Codificación de los Genes
    Esta animación muestra como un gen está construido para eventualmente producir una proteína en una planta de maíz Bt (Bt corn). Esta es la quinta de una serie de siete animaciones que detallan el proceso de ingeniería genética de cultivos.
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    Competencia Herbicida-Substrato
    Esta animación es sobre la naturaleza competitiva del glifosato.
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    Corn Crossing
    An interactive animation first demonstrating how controlled crosses are made in corn then asking the learner to click and drag objects to make a controlled cross of their own.
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    Corn Rootworm Lifecycle
    This animation shows the lifecycle of the corn rootworm, as well as showing what happens when corn rootworm larvae consume roots containing Bt.
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    Descripción de la Ingeniería Genética
    Esta animación muestra el proceso general de la ingeniería genética.
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    Descripcion General de la Accion de los Herbicidas Auxinicos
    Esta animacion resume la forma en que las auxinas y los herbicidas auxinicos pueden activar ciertos genes y como los productos de esos genes pueden alterar el crecimiento de las plantas.
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    Detalles de la transcripcion
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    Development of QTL Mapping Populations
    The objective of this animation is to develop a QTL mapping population for locating and characterizing the genes responsible for resistance to tan spot disease of wheat.
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    Diagramas de Jablonski
    La animación muestra como los electrones pueden absorber y transferir energía.
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    DNA and DNA Extraction
    The DNA Structure and how it makes up genes and chromosomes in the cell. This is the second of a series of seven animations that detail the process of crop genetic engineering.
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    DNA Extraction for Plants
    This animation shows details on DNA extraction methods for plant material.
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    ECB and Bt
    This animation shows how Bt causes death in the European corn borer (ECB).
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    ECB Generation map
    The generation map shows the different regions of the United States and how many European corn borer generations occur in each.
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    ECB Lifecycle
    This animation goes through the life cycle of the European corn borer and how Bt affects the insect.
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    ECB Movement map
    The animation shows how the European corn borer moved across the United States from east to west.
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    El ADN y su Extracción
    La estructura del ADN y como éste constituye a los genes y los cromosomas en la célula. Esta es la segunda de una serie de siete animaciones que detallan el proceso de ingeniería genética de cultivos.
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    El Proceso de Ingenieria Genetica Vegetal
    Esta animación combina nuestras 6 animaciones que explican las 5 etapas básicas del proceso de ingeniería genética vegetal. Una animación descriptiva enlista todas las etapas del proceso; luego, cada una de las etapas es descrita a detalle en animaciones por separado, ligadas a la pagina principal.
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    Electron Transfer within the Cell
    An animation in the context of a plant cell which shows the sequence of converting light energy photons into ATP and NADPH, biochemical energy.
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    Enzyme Action
    This animation shows the role of EPSP synthase in binding shikimate-3-phosphate and PEP.
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    Ethylene Synthesis
    This animation shows the ethylene biosynthesis pathway and how auxins and environmental stresses induce it.
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    Fitomejoramiento Mediante Retrocruzamiento
    Como el método convencional de mejoramiento genético por retrocruzamiento es realizado. Esta es la séptima de una serie de siete animaciones que detallan el proceso de ingeniería genética de cultivos.
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    Flower Parts
    This animation illustrates the botanical parts of flower structures.
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    Flower structures, Plant Breeding, Cross Pollination, Making Crosses
    This animations illustrates the structures of a flower, plant breeding, cross pollination and making crosses.
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    Esta animación muestra como una molécula de clorofila captura la energía de la luz y excita un electrón para dar inicio a la fotosíntesis.
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    Gel Electrophoresis
    This animation explains how gel electrophoresis works. The affect of fragment size on movement through the gel is demonstrated.
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    Gel Scoring
    This interactive animation provides an opportunity to practice scoring an electrophoresis gel.
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    Gene Cloning
    A basic depiction of the steps in the gene cloning. This is the third of a series of seven animations that detail the process of crop genetic engineering.
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    Gene Gun
    How the gene gun works to transform cells with new DNA. This is the sixth of a series of seven animations that detail the process of crop genetic engineering.
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    Gene Modification
    This animations shows how a gene is constructed to eventually produce a protein in a Bt corn plant. This is the fifth of a series of seven animations that detail the process of crop genetic engineering.
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    Gene Regions
    This animations shows the three gene coding regions. This is the fourth of a series of seven animations that detail the process of crop genetic engineering.
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    Genetic Engineering Vs. Traditional Breeding Timeline
    This animation compares the timeline for genetic engineering versus traditional plant breeding. It also compares the regulatory processes of each.
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    Genetic Mapping
    An overview of how genes affect an organism's traits, and how those
    genes are passed from one generation to the next. Also explains how
    scientists map locations of genes on chromosomes.
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    Herbicide Affects on the Chlorophyll Pathway
    This animation illustrates how herbicides affect the chlorophyll pathway and ultimately cause lipid peroxidation.
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    Herbicide Competition
    This animation shows how herbicides competes with PEP to alter the function of an enzyme.
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    Herbicide Metabolism: Conjugation
    General and specific examples of major Phase II reactions showing conjugation of herbicides with glutathione, sugars, or amino acids are illustrated in this animation.
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    Herbicide Metabolism: Hydrolysis
    General and specific examples of major hydrolytic Phase I reactions are shown in this animation.
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    Herbicide Metabolism: Overall
    This animation follows the metabolism of a herbicide in a plant cell as its structure is changed through Phase I, II, and III reactions.
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    Herbicide Metabolism: Oxidation
    General and specific examples of major oxidative Phase I reactions are shown in this animation.
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    Herbicide Metabolism: Reduction
    General and specific examples of major reductive Phase I reactions are shown in this animation.
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    Herbicide Metabolism: Secondary Conjugation
    General and specific examples of Phase III reactions showing secondary conjugation of sugar conjugates with malonic acid.
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    Herbicide Metabolism: Vacuolar Sequestration and Insoluble Residues
    General and specific examples of Phase III reactions involving herbicide metabolite transport into vacuoles or incorporation into cell walls.
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    Herbicide Resistance
    Illustrates how selection for herbicide resistance occurs.
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    Herbicide Uptake by Leaves and Cells
    This animation describes how herbicides are taken up by leaves and illustrates how physico-chemical characteristics alter their movement across cuticles. Passive and active mechanisms of herbicide absorption across plant membranes into cells are shown as well.
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    Herbicide Uptake by Roots
    This animation shows how herbicides are taken up by roots and illustrates the path the herbicide takes across the root to reach the vascular system of the plant.
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    Hydrolysis of Feldspar
    Chemical Weathering: hydrolysis of feldspar
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    Inhibidores de la mitosis
    Esta animaci?n muestra la manera en que algunos herbicidas interfieren con la mitosis, inhibiendo el desarrollo del huso acrom?tico.
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    Inhibidores del Fotosistema II
    El foto sistema II es un sistema dentro del esquerma Z que interactúa para colectar energía del sol.
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    Ionization, pH, and pKa processes
    This animation defines ionization, pH, and pKA.
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    Jablonski Diagrams
    This animation displays how electrons can absorb and transfer energy.
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    La Pistola de Genes
    Como funciona el método de la biolística (gen gun) para transformar células con nuevo ADN. Esta es la sexta de una serie de siete animaciones que detallan el proceso de ingeniería genética de cultivos."
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    La Sintesis de Etileno
    Esta animación muestra la ruta de síntesis del etileno y su inducción por las auxinas y el estrés ambiental.
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    La Transpiracion
    Esta animación describe como se mueve el agua a través de las plantas y como este movimiento es afectado por diversos factores.
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    Lateral Flow Strip Test
    This animation illustrates the concepts of protein detection using the lateral flow strip method. This method is simliar to ELISA and is utilized in detecting GMOs, among other applications.
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    Limonite Dehydration
    Chemical Weathering: dehydration of limonite to hematite
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    Lipid Biosynthesis
    This animation shows the process of lipid biosynthesis. It focuses on the biotin carrier protein.
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    Lipid Peroxidation
    Shows the process of lipid peroxidation and the resulting membrane destruction.
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    Making a Library
    This animation shows how a colony of new DNA is made to locate a specific gene of interest. This is the third of four animations detailing the gene cloning process.
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    Making a Recombinant Plasmid
    This animation shows how a plasmid responsible for encoding a gene can be cut. The plasmid can be altered with the addition of linear DNA to form a recombinant plasmid to encode a new gene of interest. This is the first of four animations detailing the gene cloning process.
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    Marker Assisted Selection
    Animation showing how plant breeding has changed over time, including the use of molecular markers.
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    Mecanismos de Accion de las Auxinas y los Herbicidas Auxinicos
    Se muestra como las auxinas y los herbicidas auxínicos pueden inducir respuestas celulares y se describe el transporte basípeto de las auxinas. También se muestra como los receptores de auxinas reconocen las auxinas y los herbicidas auxínicos, los cuales inducen entonces la transmisión y traducción de señales para activar varios genes; el papel de los productos de esos genes en las respuestas de las plantas es también mostrado.
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    Metabolismo General de Herbicidas - Introduccion
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    Modifying Carnation Color Through Biotechnology
    Depicts how 2 different genes were inserted into carnation through biotechnology to produce purple colors.
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    Monogastric digestion
    This animation shows the digestion process of swine and poultry and outlines the components of each digestive tract.
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    Nitrogen Supply Relationship between Grain Yield and Protein Concentration
    Discusses the relationship between the amount of nitrogen applied and how it effects grain yield and protein concentration of a grain crop.
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    Nitrogen Supply Relationship with Protein Fraction, Lysine Concentration, and Kernel Hardness
    Discusses the relationship between the amount of nitrogen applied and how that affects the protein fraction, lysine concentration, and kernel hardness of a grain crop.
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    Interactive illustration of the steps involved in the process of making tortillas.
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    Overall Picture of Auxinic Herbicide Action
    This animation summarizes how auxin and auxinic herbicides may turn on certain genes and how those gene products may alter plant growth.
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    Overview of Crop Genetic Engineering
    A general look at the process of crop genetic engineering. This is the first of a series of seven animations that detail the process of crop genetic engineering.
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    Overview of Electron Transfer Between Photosystems
    This animation shows how a chlorophyll molecule captures light energy and excites an electron to begin photosynthesis.
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    Perennial Plant Response to Defoliation
    Learn about the life cycle of perennials and how defoliation at different times of the season and different heights affects their growth and carbohydrate reserve levels.
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    Peroxidación de lípidos
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    Phosphorus in Surface Waters
    This animation demonstrates the four forms that phosphorus (P) can take in surface water, and how the equilibrium between the forms can be upset and then rebalanced.
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    Plant Breeding Activity
    This interactive activity goes through the basic process used in a traditional breeding program. Crossing, genetic variation, selection and elements of DNA technology are discussed within this activity. The material is aimed towards high school or introductory life science undergraduate students.
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    Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
    This animation depicts the process of PCR. Each component involved in the process is outlined and described in this animation.
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    Population Dynamics of Palmer Amaranth
    This animation examines several states of a weed species during the growing season and studies the transitions that occur between each state.
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    Procesos de Ionizacion, pH, y pKa
    En esta animación se definen los términos Ionización, pH y pKa.
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    Production Practice Influence on Maize Grain Quality
    Discusses how production practices affect the grain quality of maize.
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    Protein Synthesis - A general overview
    This animation shows the transcription process of RNA within the plant cell. Single stranded RNA moves out of the cell where it is translated into proteins. This is the first in a series of three animations on protein synthesis.
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    Refuge Designs with YieldGard Rootworm Corn
    This animation discusses the importance of Insect Resistance Management (IRM) and illustrates different field refuge designs.
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    Relacion entre la efectividad herbicida y el desarollo de resistancia
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    Relationship Between Herbicide Effectiveness and Resistance Development
    Discusses the relationship between herbicide effectiveness and resistance development.
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    Resistencia a los Herbicidas
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    This animation demonstrates saltation, surface creep, and suspension of soil particles during wind erosion.
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    Screening a DNA Library
    This animation show how scientists find the gene of interest by screening thousands of bacteria. Scientists can screen the protein or the DNA. This is the fourth of four animations detailing the gene cloning process.
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    Soil Horizons
    An overview of the different soil horizons, thier composition and how they develop.
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    Spindle Fiber Inhibition
    This animation shows how herbicides interfere with mitosis by inhibiting spindle fiber development.
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    Sub-Soil Contact
    This animation shows how plants uptake herbicides from the soil.
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    This video clip discusses the technique of syringing for water management in turf grasses.
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    The Taqman probe detection system used in real time PCR (also known as quantitative PCR) is illustrated in this animation. One application of this method is use in GMO detection.
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    Target Site Resistance
    Illustrates both susceptibility and resistance for single and multiple target sites in herbicides.
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    The "Terminator" technology is designed to make biotechnology-derived plants produce non-viable seeds. This animation depicts how one type of Terminator system works in cotton.
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    The Role of Acetolactate Synthesis (ALS) in Branched Chain Amino Acid Biosynthesis
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    An interactive PowerPoint demonstrating the influence of topography on drainage, organic matter accumulation, and soil profile development.
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    Traditional Breeding vs. Biotechnology
    This animation shows the differences between natural plant breeding and plant breeding using biotechnology. The end result is a plant with the desired gene lacking undesired genes.
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    A detailed depection of transcription, the first stage of protein synthesis. This is the second in a series of three animations on protein synthesis.
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    Transferencia de Electrones Dentro de la Celula
    Esta animación lo llevará a través de las diferentes etapas de la transferencia de electrones dentro de la celula.
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    Transgene Design
    This is an interactive animation that asks the viewer to design a gene by selecting the promoter and coding region that will produce a plant with the desired traits.
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    A detailed depiction of translation, the second stage of protein synthesis. This is the third in a series of three animations on protein synthesis.
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    This animation details how water moves through plants and how various factors affect this movement.
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    Water movement through roots
    This animation follows the movement of a water molecule from the soil into a root where it encounters several paths of transport until it reaches the xylem.
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    Water Potential In Plants
    This powerpoint explains the concept of water potential in plants and presents some of the methods used to estimate water potential in plant tissues.
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    Wheat Stem Sawfly
    An example of the life cycle of the wheat stem sawfly. Shows how crop
    yields are affected by the sawfly and what scientists are doing to
    reduce their populations.
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    Who Wants to be a Genetic Engineer?
    This interactive animation invites the viewer to decide and place in order, the steps they would need to take to develop two genetically engineered plants.

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