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  • Advanced Biology Logan View High School
    Be sure to ask Mr. Ready if you have any questions!
    Mr. Sid Ready Logan View High School

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining.
  • AGRO/HORT/SOIL 153, Soil Resources, Spring 2011

  • AGRO/SOIL 366: Soil Nutrient Relationships
    Martha Mamo University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    The course will cover principles of soil-plant nutrient relations, the essential plant elements, soil testing and recommendations, fertilizer sources, soil acidity, fertility evaluations for nutrient management, and organic nutrient sources.

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining. A joining request requires approval by the Class owner before access is provided.
  • AGRO412/812 Crop and Weed Genetics
    Deana Namuth-Covert, PhD
    This is a course available to advanced undergraduate students, graduate students and for non-credit professional development learners. email me for the syllabus.

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining. Access to any assessment section from this Class requires approval by its owner.
  • Ashu Test Class- Requires Approval before Quiz Access

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  • August Class Test
    Deana is just testing some things here

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  • BIO303 Genetics
    Hikmet Budak Sabanci University

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining. Access to any assessment section from this Class requires approval by its owner.
  • Biotechnology Class
    Amy Lathrop

  • Carola's pad
    new fresh view of soil and manure
    this is more of a testing pad so we/I will know what we/I are doing. 1ay

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining. A joining request requires approval by the Class owner before access is provided.
  • Community Ashu Test

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining. A joining request requires approval by the Class owner before access is provided.
  • Deanna's Test Community
    Deanna Leingang
    How to use the eLibrary to  set up a class/community: In order to use the eLibrary, you must register as a user.  From the eLibrary homepage,, locate the globe image under the heading “My Account Login,” which can be found on the right side of the screen. Clicking on the globe should bring up required personal information to register. The email address you submit will be your personal  log-in, and a password will be sent to that address. ..

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining. A joining request requires approval by the Class owner before access is provided.
  • Herbicidas

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  • Herbicides: Physiology and Mode of Action
    Renan Aguero
    This course includes lessons and animations that may be helpful for students enrolled in the Herbicides course. 

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining. A joining request requires approval by the Class owner before access is provided.
  • High School Agricultural Educators

    This class is for high school agricultural educators interested in accessing resources related to agroecology and the high school classroom.

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining. Access to any assessment section from this Class requires approval by its owner.
  • Irrigation
    Chuck Burr's info
    Chuck Burr's Irrigation Class

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining. Access to any assessment section from this Class requires approval by its owner.
  • Online Genetics Students
    Amy Lathrop
    This community is intended to supply you with lessons and animations to help you understand current concepts in genetics class. Online students can also work together in the eLibrary to answer each other's questions.

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining. A joining request requires approval by the Class owner before access is provided.
  • Properties and Actions of Herbicides (PROC 6601)
    Wilfredo Robles, Ph.D. Assistant Professor / Weed Science University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Department of Crops and Agroenvironmental Sciences
    Self study materials for weed science class in Puerto Rico.

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining.
  • PSPP 546
    William E. Dyer (406) 994-5063

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining. A joining request requires approval by the Class owner before access is provided.
  • RCC BI 15
    Complete the lessons and quizzes in the lessons displayed

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining.
  • SOCR 430, Spring 2011
    Applications of Plant Biotechnology

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining.
  • Soil Resources 153 Fall 2011
    Martha Mamo, Tim Kettler,
    Characteristics of soils in relation to their appropriate uses and protection. Principles and practices using cooperative exercises including discussion, assessment, planning, problem-solving, writing, and presentation involving all aspects of soils.

  • Soil Science elessons Community, Martha Mamo,lead
    Martha Mamo

  • TCAP Graduate Course
    Jamie Sherman
    Description of course here...

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining. A joining request requires approval by the Class owner before access is provided.
  • Teaching Biotech Summer 2010
    This is the community for Teaching Biotech participants (2010), where they can answer course assignments, as well as stay in contact with each other.

  • Test

    Contents of this Class may be viewed only after joining. A joining request requires approval by the Class owner before access is provided.
  • UNL Soils Home Course
    contact Deana Namuth-Covert with any questions.

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