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  • Advanced Biology Logan View High School
    Be sure to ask Mr. Ready if you have any questions!
    Mr. Sid Ready Logan View High School

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  • AgReliant Genetics
    Dr. Deana Namuth-Covert
    Animations used in 2011 talks from Dr. Deana, plus some others which might be useful. 

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  • AGRO/SOIL 366: Soil Nutrient Relationships
    Martha Mamo University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    The course will cover principles of soil-plant nutrient relations, the essential plant elements, soil testing and recommendations, fertilizer sources, soil acidity, fertility evaluations for nutrient management, and organic nutrient sources.

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  • AGRO315 Study Area
    Deana Namuth-Covert
    This community area contains online lessons to help introductory genetics students in their undergraduate course.

  • Agronomy and Horticulture TAs
    This community is for graduate students and undergraduate college instructors who are teaching or are TAs for a plant science type of course.

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  • Agronomy and Horticulture Teachers e-lounge
    Martha Mamo 171 Keim Hall Lincoln, NE 68526
    This is a a community of plant, soil science, turf and landscape design teachers of the Agronomy and Horticulture Dep at UNL. This e-lounge wil provide the forum to improve curricula communication, share course resources, teaching tips, provide information on individual courses. In addition the lounge will provide map courses interconnectedness to better streamline our teaching and explicitly demonstrating interconnection of concepts.

  • Brett's Test Community

    Small text description for the test community...

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  • Carola's pad
    new fresh view of soil and manure
    this is more of a testing pad so we/I will know what we/I are doing. 1ay

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  • Community Ashu Test

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  • Community of Plant and Soil Sciences Education/Teachers
    Martha Mamo University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    This is the place for placing some description about the community

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  • Crop Science Investigation (CSI) Network
    Brandy VanDeWalle
    Crop Science Investigation (CSI) Network         This site is designed to serve as a clearinghouse of lesson plans and other materials useful for teaching 4-H and FFA youth about crop and soil sciences.  Check out this site for information to use in your classroom, workshops, or 4-H meetings.        As youth become less connected with agriculture, it is essential to teach them about agriculture. A series of workshops, called Crop Science Investigation or CSI was created to help spark the interest of youth to learn about crops and plants. Dig into some interesting facts about Nebraska crops. Learn how crops grow and factors that affect them. Learn about exciting career opportunities related to crop and plant science. The University of Nebraska offers great majors for anyone interested in anything plants!  Check it out!

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  • Deanna's Test Community
    Deanna Leingang
    How to use the eLibrary to  set up a class/community: In order to use the eLibrary, you must register as a user.  From the eLibrary homepage,, locate the globe image under the heading “My Account Login,” which can be found on the right side of the screen. Clicking on the globe should bring up required personal information to register. The email address you submit will be your personal  log-in, and a password will be sent to that address. ..

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  • Experiential Learning in Agricultural Sciences
    Martha Mamo, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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  • Experiential Learning in Agricultural Sciences-Old
    Martha Mamo,

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  • High School Agricultural Educators

    This class is for high school agricultural educators interested in accessing resources related to agroecology and the high school classroom.

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  • Irrigation
    Chuck Burr's info
    Chuck Burr's Irrigation Class

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  • Layered Curriculum in Science
    Carol Speth, Sid Ready, Don Lee
    This is a community for high school science and undergraduate teachers interested in layered curriculum and the transition from high school to college.

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  • Mike's Test Community.

    This is only a test.

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  • North American Invasive Plant Ecology and Management
    Steve Young
    Welcome to the community space for the North American Invasive Plant Short Course.  In this online environment you'll find supplemental reading resources (click "Lessons" above) and interactive animations (click "Animations" above).  You can also access live Webinars or meet with your instructor and/or colleagues for live audio discussions (click on the Adobe icon above, next to the envelope icon).  Here are instructions on how to use the Adobe Connect system. To participate in the online discussion board, you will need an account.  Here are instructions for how to do that. If you are taking the short course for graduate credit, your required assignments can be found by clicking on the "assignment" button to the left. We will keep adding to this site and updating it with new materials, so we hope you become a frequent visitor as we all work together to address the challenges of managing invasive plants. Steve Young, Coordinator of the NAIPSC Deana Namuth-Covert, Director of the Plant and Soil Sciences eLibrary

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  • NSF Team Area
    Deana Namuth-Covert

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  • PBTN Advisory Board
    Deana Namuth-Covert
    Welcome to the Plant Breeding Training Network (PBTN) Advisory Board Community. This community is designed for members of the PBTN advisory board to access information from current and past advisory board meetings, as well as provide a forum in which members may discuss the progress and future of the PBTN. 

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  • Pest Resistance Management
    Deana Namuth-Covert, PhD
    This is a drafted site of where we will place all learning materials developed for pest resistance management - weeds, plant diseases, insect pressures, and genetics principles.

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  • Plant Breeding Training Network
    Deana Namuth-Covert, PhD
    Welcome to the Plant Breeding Training Network (PBTN)!  Feel free to browse the reference materials located within the community.  If you would like to view current discussion topics and collaborate with other community members, you'll need to create an account.  Here are instructions on how to create a PBTN account. If you are visiting the community page to attend a webinar, here are instructions on how to use the Adobe Connect meeting room. The PBTN is currently funded in part by a USDA/National Institute of Food and Agriculture grant. It is a collaboration among the Plant and Soil Sciences eLibrary, university and college educators/students, minority serving institutions and wheat and barley researchers. Partners from over 21 states, USDA and 55 universities are members of the PBTN. PBTN launched the summer of 2011. As it grows and develops, we anticipate breeding and genetics collaborators from other plant species will be added. Please take a look around and we hope you find the materials, webinars, classes and interactions with colleagues in this environment to be rewarding. Together we can meet the food needs of a growing population, in the midst of climate challenges. We hope you become a frequent visitor of this site to share with us the experiences of this exciting project. Deana Namuth-Covert and Jamie Sherman PBTN Directors Gary Muhelbauer and Jorge Dubcovsky TCAP Project Directors  

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  • Plant History
    Mapping and diagrams and visuals

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  • Soil Resources 153 Fall 2011
    Martha Mamo, Tim Kettler,
    Characteristics of soils in relation to their appropriate uses and protection. Principles and practices using cooperative exercises including discussion, assessment, planning, problem-solving, writing, and presentation involving all aspects of soils.

  • Soil Science elessons Community, Martha Mamo,lead
    Martha Mamo

  • SolCAP
    Work area for SolCAP material cloning.

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  • TCAP Undergrads
    Jamie Sherman
    This will be the location where undergrad students working on various TCAP projects and internships will meet.

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  • UNL Soils Home Course
    contact Deana Namuth-Covert with any questions.

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